Monday, December 17, 2012

The Different Kinds of Industrial Coatings - and Why You Should Care to Know

There are a lot of matters in life that we just dismiss or accept as what it is. However, when we take the time to get to know how things are made or how a certain object came to be, it leads us to make better decisions in the long run. The different kinds of industrial coatings, no matter how mundane it seems, is a fact of life that we should get to know a little more. In fact, if you know the different kinds of industrial coatings, you know what to expect once you get to build a house of your own or when picking out cars and bicycles. The different kinds of industrial coatings are PVDF coating, architectural coating and powder coating. 

PVDF coating or polymerizing vinylidenedifluoride coating is a special kind of plastic that has excellent resistance to acidic solutions and high temperatures. More often than not, we can see PVDF coatings in surfaces and objects such as in plumbing pipes and tubes, sensors, circuits, semiconductors and wires. Moreover, since it exhibits great resistance to high temperatures, PVDF coatings are primarily used in fire-prone settings such as in military locations and hospital environments. 

Architectural coating, on the other hand, is common in both residential and commercial applications. Of course, we all want to keep the integrity of our painted surfaces while at the same time ensuring that it stands firm against the ordinary wear and tear of things such as corrosion, rusting, abrasion, and more. With architectural coating, the applied coats go beyond the aesthetics. It helps preserve the integrity of architectural environments such as museums, corporate buildings and towers, recreational spots and more. Architectural coating is an applied service for keeping both interior and exterior environments of residential and commercial locations.

Lastly, powder coating, like PVDF coating is more common in industrial applications. We can see powder coating Singapore in the way certain automotive parts such as car tires, rims, bodies and more. It is also common in manufacturing plants such as the machines and large equipments used. Powder coated surfaces also include metal chairs, container trucks, and other household appliances.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Play it Smart When it Comes to the Different Industrial Coating Options

It pays to be smart when it comes to making life decisions from the monumental to the seemingly mundane ones. This smart decision making should be even consolidated when picking out industrial equipments and applications in terms of its coating. Today, there are different kinds of industrial coatings available but it is of particular urgency to differentiate the 3 most common namely PVDF coating, powder coating and architectural coating.

More often than not, PVDF coating and powder coating Singapore are seen in both industrial and mechanical applications. Though both processes are different, PVDF coated and powder coated materials provide the kind of reliance one needs when dealing with harsh conditions and sensitive handling. PVDF or polymerizing vinylidenedifluoride coating is a kind of plastic used for its high resistance towards extreme temperatures, acidic environments, and chemical processing. Moreover, this kind of plastic is light and presents high dielectric strengths making it a reliable material to use for making wires, pipes, tubes, sheets, circuitry as well as in roofing and building projects. On the other hand, powder coating is a form of protective coating mostly applied on metallic or steel surfaces.

Contractors and professionals adept in powder coating make use of 2 distinct processes namely heat curing and electrostatic application in producing powder coated surfaces. It is the opposite of traditional painting jobs wherein the components of the paint used makes it prone to chipping or rusting. Powder coating makes sure that the paint is applied clean on the surface and it lasts for years. Powder coating, though commonly used in building automotive parts, is also used in residential and commercial applications. Architectural coating, on the other hand, is also a feasible and better alternative to traditional painting jobs.

Architectural coating ensures that the paints used possess high resistance to abrasion, chipping and impact. That said, architectural coating makes sure that there is no need for constant repainting, and it allows residential and commercial environments to stay vibrant while combating the immediate signs of wear and tear. It gives aesthetic value for houses and offices, therefore ensuring market value and presentability. These are the non-negotiable aspects for homeowners and office managers who want to sell their buildings in the real estate market eventually.  

The Benefits One Can Reap Through Powder Coating over Ordinary Wet Painting

Powder coating may be a term not known to a lot of people, but one should have felt it or touched it at one point or another. Powder coating is a method that experts and professionals in the architecture and building industry use in keeping and maintaining a variety of building materials such as doors, windows, window panes and gates. Aside from architectural powder coating, it is also a process used in creating a protective coat for various industrial materials such as chairs, tables, bicycle parts, bicycle frames, car parts, factory machineries, tractors and others. Powder coated equipments and materials are everywhere and a lot of benefits can be reaped by keeping these said equipments and materials protected with a layer of powder coat.

Powder coating Singapore is not a new introduction in the building industry although continuous improvements and innovations are made to make powder coating more effective and more environment-friendly as the years go by. Of course, the thrust towards environment stewardship is high, and the more environment-conscious a seemingly rigorous process is, the more people are going to adapt to the process. Powder coating is done to keep the overall integrity of a certain piece of industrial matter or architecture.  A powder coated window or door keeps the layer of paint from chipping off from the surface. Scratching a metal from a powder coated surface will definitely not produce abrasions or unsightly marks on the said surface.  Before when the process of powder coating is not as well known as it is today, a lot of homeowners and even commercial office owners would invest a lot on repainting and recoating jobs just to keep the overall aesthetics of the house or building in tip top condition. The composition of ordinary wet paints lacks components that make it a lot less resistant to chipping or rusting. Today, by just investing on a powder coating job, one need not allot a yearly or a biannual budget towards paint maintenance jobs.

With powder coating as a part of the process, it keeps the color of the surface bright and vibrant for a long time.  If you are planning of doing a powder coating job, you can choose the color you want to use as well as the hue of the shade that you want. And, as have been said earlier, powder coating is definitely more environment friendly as it is found not to emit toxic particles and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are harmful to the atmosphere. With ordinary paints, you can never be too sure of the compounds used to make it. Some ordinary wet paints have solvents that may not also prove to be harmful to the environment, but it is also harmful to individuals who might have to breathe the air around it. Powder coating is definitely a smarter and safer alternative to ordinary wet painting.

Aside from the mentioned environmental and practical benefits of powder coating, powder coating is also a project that you can do at home just as long as you have the right safety wear, the right tools and materials.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Advantages of PVDF Coating

To keep your home furniture on top condition, there are certain instructions that come with the packaging to take care of it and keep it look like new. One of the most reasonable ways to properly maintain your home furniture is through the use of PVDF coating. This type of coating is used in home furniture to make them look like new all the time. If you’re considering keeping the value of your home investment for furniture, then this is the answer to your problem. Many homeowners consider this coating to take care of their home furniture aside from always keeping them clean all the time.

The PVDF coating is commonly used to furniture that needs purity and strength. When you want to keep your precious investment for home furniture, then looking to this type of coating may help. You can protect your furniture from solvents and acids with the use of various coatings you can avail from online stores selling this type of coating for their furniture. You can also protect your doors, windows, and walls with this coating. This is an important coating to ensure that various parts of your home are protected from acids, solvents, and other chemicals that may affect their beauty.

The PVDF coating has features you can depend on. Do you know that you equipment or furniture in the garden ca be protected from the bad weather condition if they have this coating? Blizzards and rain can be out of your furniture in the garden if they’re coated with PVDF. This coating can also protect them from ultraviolet rays because this coating can minimize the harmful effects of color change because of UV. This coating is flexible because it can be used in many types of furniture or equipment. Factors from the environment that always change can be minimized with the use of PVDF coating on your precious investment.

When choosing your PVDF, select from either liquid or powder dispersion coatings. Whichever you choose however will protect your furniture from corrosion. Many people choose the powder-type coating especially if they are in a highly-corrosive environment. This type of coating can be used for long term. On the other hand, the use of liquid PVDF coating can be helpful for complex or intricate work pieces. They can work with complex pieces such as electronic or medical devices.

Many industries also invest in this coating to make sure that they deliver you high-quality goods. This coating can eventually protect products from damages and corrosion. It can protect devices from environmental changes and wetness. In addition, they can keep the beauty of their offered products through the use of this coating on them. It can promote the beauty of the product by applying the coat that can provide them with smooth finish.

Now you know the advantages of using PVDF coating for devices, equipment, and furniture. If you want to order this coating from a reliable supplier, visit Starcoat, a leading supplier of quality coatings in Singapore.