Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Benefits One Can Reap Through Powder Coating over Ordinary Wet Painting

Powder coating may be a term not known to a lot of people, but one should have felt it or touched it at one point or another. Powder coating is a method that experts and professionals in the architecture and building industry use in keeping and maintaining a variety of building materials such as doors, windows, window panes and gates. Aside from architectural powder coating, it is also a process used in creating a protective coat for various industrial materials such as chairs, tables, bicycle parts, bicycle frames, car parts, factory machineries, tractors and others. Powder coated equipments and materials are everywhere and a lot of benefits can be reaped by keeping these said equipments and materials protected with a layer of powder coat.

Powder coating Singapore is not a new introduction in the building industry although continuous improvements and innovations are made to make powder coating more effective and more environment-friendly as the years go by. Of course, the thrust towards environment stewardship is high, and the more environment-conscious a seemingly rigorous process is, the more people are going to adapt to the process. Powder coating is done to keep the overall integrity of a certain piece of industrial matter or architecture.  A powder coated window or door keeps the layer of paint from chipping off from the surface. Scratching a metal from a powder coated surface will definitely not produce abrasions or unsightly marks on the said surface.  Before when the process of powder coating is not as well known as it is today, a lot of homeowners and even commercial office owners would invest a lot on repainting and recoating jobs just to keep the overall aesthetics of the house or building in tip top condition. The composition of ordinary wet paints lacks components that make it a lot less resistant to chipping or rusting. Today, by just investing on a powder coating job, one need not allot a yearly or a biannual budget towards paint maintenance jobs.

With powder coating as a part of the process, it keeps the color of the surface bright and vibrant for a long time.  If you are planning of doing a powder coating job, you can choose the color you want to use as well as the hue of the shade that you want. And, as have been said earlier, powder coating is definitely more environment friendly as it is found not to emit toxic particles and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are harmful to the atmosphere. With ordinary paints, you can never be too sure of the compounds used to make it. Some ordinary wet paints have solvents that may not also prove to be harmful to the environment, but it is also harmful to individuals who might have to breathe the air around it. Powder coating is definitely a smarter and safer alternative to ordinary wet painting.

Aside from the mentioned environmental and practical benefits of powder coating, powder coating is also a project that you can do at home just as long as you have the right safety wear, the right tools and materials.

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